I feel a questionnaire is an effective way to reach our target audience as it is a quick and practical method to collect quantitative data. Participants don't have to spend too long answering the questions as they only have to tick a box. They don't have to think too hard about their answers as they are picking from a multiple choice and the questions are closed ended, therefore participants not having to expand on their answers. It is also easy for me to make observations and conclusions from the results.
1. What is your gender?
Male IIII Female IIII
2. What is your age?
13-16 17-20 IIII IIII 20-24 I 25-29 30+
3. What would you like to see in a Mumford & Sons music video?
Good storyline IIII I Good characters I Creative costume and setting III Live Performance
4. What do you prefer?
Narrative-based IIII I Performance-based III Concept-based I
5. What setting do you prefer?
Gig/concert I Countryside Cityscape IIII House party IIII School
6. In a narrative-based music video, what do you prefer?
Linear sequence IIII Non-linear sequence IIII
7. What do you prefer in a music video?
Realism IIII Surrealism IIII I
8. What real life events do you like to see in a music video?
Drug Abuse II Relationship destruction II Celebrations III Death I Good relationship II
9. Do you like for the lyrics to match what is happening in the video?
From these results, I can concur that in our music video, a good storyline is important to our target audience, with them also being enticed by creative costume and setting. It is apparent that they would like a narrative-based video with some performance, the main setting being a cityscape. The demographic was split between a linear and non-linear sequence, with no clear indication into which they would prefer. We found that they would prefer a sense of surrealism in the video. When it came to the real life events, there was again, no real indication into which they would prefer, leaving it available for us to choose what fits best with our video. It was also apparent to us that they would prefer for the visuals to match the lyrics.